Bananaberry Pupsicle

It’s that time of year in Edmonton, when typically it’s a lot warmer than it has been, when we like to experiment in the kitchen and make some quick, easy and cool treats for Koda and the dogs we dog sit. If we get rave reviews from our furry crew then we share the recipe with you!
We are mindful of ingredients that might upset tummies and if we’re not sure we use this online tool –Pet Poison Hotline– as a quick reference to search.
Now onto the quick recipe!
Bananaberry Pupsicles
- 1 cup (8floz/240mlz) veggie stock-can also use chicken or beef as well, and look for a low sodium option!
- 1 cup (5oz/150g) fresh or frozen berries
- 1 Banana (fresh or frozen)

Kitchen items you need:
- Kettle (if you need to make broth)
- Cutting board
- Knife
- Any ice cube tray, though your dog will 100% appreciate them more if they are bone shaped!
- If you need to make stock, follow the directions on the box!
- Cut up bananas

- Place bananas and berries int0 bone-cube tray

- Pour stock into dog bone molds.
- Freeze for a minimum of 5 hours or overnight.

- If you have any trouble removing the treats, quickly run the mold under warm water to help the treats release then turn out.
- Feed to your pup and watch them enjoy!!
- Store in the freezer for up to 3 months-if they can last that long!
It has been a cooler summer than usual and might not seem warm enough for cool treats, but it really can make nice surprise for your pup anyway! Let us know how your pupsicles turn out!