You love your dog. They are as much a part of your family as, well, you are! You’d do anything for your dog, but sometimes life happens and you can’t be there. Physical and mental stimulation keep dogs happy and healthy — and knowing that your furry friend is happy and healthy is important to you. Whether your dog needs a long walk, a jog, a brisk run, or to simply get out in the yard to relieve themselves, we are here to help. We are there for your dog when you can’t be.

Ready to get started? Please Book a Consult with us so we can meet you and your pet!

Dog Joggers

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5 Reasons Cat Sitting is Essential When You’re Away

Cats are known for being independent, but that doesn’t mean they don’t need care and attention, especially when you’re away. While it’s easy to assume that your feline friend can fend for themselves for a day or two, there are many reasons why hiring a professional cat sitter is a wise choice. At Dog Jogs, we offer reliable cat sitting services to ensure your cat is happy, healthy, and well-cared for during your absence. Here are five compelling reasons to consider hiring a cat sitter: 1. Consistent Care and Routine Cats thrive on routine, and any disruption can cause them...
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Triggered Much? Understanding Your Dog’s Reactivity and Body Language

The science behind triggers: It’s not just because Fido’s having a “ruff” day. Dog reactivity isn’t just Fido having a “ruff” day. It’s rooted in science. When your dog reacts, it’s often driven by instinctual triggers hardwired into their canine brains and big feelings. This is where understanding dog body language comes into play. Recognizing these triggers is crucial for effective dog training in Edmonton or anywhere else. An Edmonton dog trainer specializing in force-free training and positive reinforcement can guide you through these complexities, ensuring both you and your dog thrive. Sources: 1. “Understanding Dog Reactivity,” American Kennel Club,...
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Stop the Chase: Teach Your Dog to Actually Come When Called

Why Your Dog Ignores You: The Real Reasons Behind the Snub Ever wonder why your dog gives you the cold shoulder when you call? The truth is, they’re not just being stubborn. Your dog might be ignoring you due to a lack of proper dog training or mixed signals. Whether you’re at a private dog park or a regular one, understanding the root cause is essential. From inconsistent commands to distractions, several factors contribute to this frustrating behavior. Finding a reliable recall method and even consulting a dog trainer near me can make all the difference in strengthening that bond....
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