Home-Made Beef-Sicle Dog Treats!

Edmonton, Treat Yo' Dog Recipes

Since it’s been reasonably warm in Edmonton, we figure your pups would like another frozen treat option. This one is a little different than what we’ve done in the past. May we introduce you to the homemade beef-sicle dog treat!?

Beef-sicle Ingredients

Beef-sicles are super easy to make with only a few ingredients. 

What will you need:

-1 lbs of ground beef

-1 cup of peas (can substitute with your pup’s favourite veggie, ex. carrots)

-6 cups (Divided)

We recommend that if you are using peas, to avoid canned peas as they often contain added sodium, and to use fresh or frozen peas if possible. Generally speaking, peas do have some nutrients, vitamins, and offer protein and fibre to your dog’s diet. But if your dog suffers from kidney issues, we recommend using a different vegetable as peas can aggravate the kidneys. 

Avoid using canned peas in dog treats


  1. Get your food processor out!
  2. Put the ground beef, peas and two cups of water in and blend it all up on low for a few minutes until you have a homogenous mixture.
  3. The mixture will be quite thick, now add one cup of water and continue to blend for another 2 minutes. 
  4. Pour the mixture into a large saucepan.
  5. Add the remaining 3 cups of water in and stir.
  6. Cook at high to get the mixture to boil, then reduce to low-medium and let simmer for 20-30 minutes.
    -Remember to stir the mixture every so often
  7. Remove from heat and let cool for 30 minutes.
  8. Then pour the mixture into moulds/containers.
  9. Put moulds into the freezer until frozen. 
  10. Take Beef-sicles out of moulds and let your pup enjoy!! 

The beauty of this recipe is that you can make these treats any size you want or need! But, of course, ensure that you are making these Beef-sicles the appropriate size for your dog. Making them the correct size prevents the chance of your pup choking on the treat. Treats should be large enough for your dog to chew it, but not too small where they can swallow it whole and potentially choke. This rule also applies when considering toys and chews for your pet. 

Ensure Dog Treats Are Size Appropriate


As you can imagine, this treat can get a little messy while your dogs enjoy it, especially if they’re the savouring type. So it may be a good idea to give it to them while they’re out in the yard or on tile/laminate when in the house. 

These may not be pretty, but your pup will thank you for the delicious treat to help them cool down! It’s also a treat that helps keep them occupied for a few more minutes. 

Let us know how your pup likes them and if you made any substitutions!