
Category: Cat Care

5 Reasons Cat Sitting is Essential When You’re Away

Cats are known for being independent, but that doesn’t mean they don’t need care and attention, especially when you’re away. While it’s easy to assume that your feline friend can fend for themselves for a day or two, there are many reasons why hiring a professional cat sitter is a wise choice. At Dog Jogs, we offer reliable cat sitting services to ensure your cat is happy, healthy, and well-cared for during your absence. Here are five compelling reasons to consider hiring a cat sitter: 1. Consistent Care and Routine Cats thrive on routine, and any disruption can cause them...
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Pet Poison Prevention Month

As March is pet poison prevention month and human error is the number one reason that leads to pets eating something they shouldn’t, here are three tips to keep your pets safe from harmful toxins: Keep all hazardous substances out of reach: Make sure to store any hazardous substances such as cleaning agents, pesticides, insecticides, and medications in secure cabinets or high shelves that are inaccessible to your pets. This will help prevent accidental ingestion, which can lead to serious illness or even death. Be mindful of common household plants: Some common household plants such as lilies, daffodils, and azaleas...
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The Importance of Licensing Your Pet in Sherwood Park, Alberta

If you are a pet owner in Sherwood Park, Alberta, it is important to understand the importance of licensing your pet. Pet licensing is not only a requirement by law, but it also provides numerous benefits for both pet owners and the community. In this blog post, we will discuss why pet licensing is so important and what it entails. Why License Your Pet? Legal Requirements: In Sherwood Park, all pets must be licensed according to the Animal Licensing Bylaw. This bylaw requires all pet owners to obtain a license for each pet they own and to renew it annually....
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5 Reasons Why You Should Hire a Cat Sitter in Edmonton

Are you planning a trip but hesitant to leave your beloved feline companion behind? Whether you are leaving Edmonton for the weekend or a longer duration, Don’t worry, hiring a cat sitter can provide both you and your furry friend with peace of mind while you’re away. Here are 5 reasons why you should consider hiring a cat sitter: Familiarity and Consistency: Going away can be stressful for both you and your cat, but a cat sitter can provide your furry companion with the familiarity and consistency of their normal routine to keep them feeling happy and secure. Mental and...
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How To Enrich Your Cat’s Life

Cats are known to boast about their independence, which has awarded them the reputation of being pretty low-maintenance pets, at least compared to dogs. But is that really the case?  Definitely not!  Our feline friends require a great deal of mental and physical stimulation, and social interaction. When these needs aren’t fulfilled, our cats become bored and can start to exhibit anxiety, aggression, excessive grooming, and undesirable behaviours like bathroom accidents and furniture scratching. There’s nothing low maintenance about that! Enrichment To The Rescue! Enriching your cat’s environment boosts their mental and physical health by keeping them stimulated, engaged, and active....
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Let’s Talk Pet Preparedness

With June being National Pet Preparedness Month, and July 15 being National Pet Fire Safety Day, now is the time to talk about being all things prepared with your pets! Of course, it’s no fun planning for things to go wrong, but as we like to say: we prepare for the worst and hope for the best.  Originally, National Pet Preparedness Month was set for June to mark the start of hurricane season as a reminder to families to include their pets in their emergency plans. Lucky for us in Edmonton, we don’t have to particularly worry about hurricanes, but...
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Don’t Brush Off Your Pet’s Dental Health!

Ah, the trials and tribulations of trying to keep your pet’s teeth clean. It could be the hardest part of your pet’s daily routine and you might dread the task as much as your pup, but we are here to remind you that it is all worth it! February is Pet Dental Health Month, so it’s a good time to get our facts straight and to amp up your routine. Most cats and dogs develop signs of dental disease by the time they turn three, and the bacteria on their teeth plaque can enter their bloodstream and cause life-threatening damage....
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What to Know About Diabetes in Pets

November is National Diabetes Month. Diabetes is a condition that can affect our pets, and ourselves too. When left untreated, diabetes can have some serious effects on your pet’s body, so active prevention and watching for early signs of diabetes are key. Here’s what you need to know! What is Diabetes? The cells in your pet’s body (and yours too) use the compound glucose for energy. Insulin is made by the pancreas and is the hormone that controls glucose levels in the bloodstream. Insulin directs your cells to uptake more glucose from the bloodstream when necessary. This occurs particularly after...
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Can Your Fur-Babies Eat Pumpkin?

It’s finally pumpkin season! With all the delicious pumpkin treats coming back again, you can’t help but feel a little sad that your fur-babies are missing out on all of the flavourful fall fun. So the question today is, can dogs and cats eat pumpkin too? As is turns out, pumpkin is not only totally safe for dogs and cats to consume, but it also packs a punch of beneficial properties for them! Let’s look into a few of pumpkin’s finest qualities. Nutrients galore Pumpkin is a low-calorie gourd which is rich in essential vitamins and nutrients. The most prominent...
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International Cat Day: Some Purrr-fect ways to Celebrate!

What is International Cat Day? International Cat Day could very well be the greatest holiday of the year, so we aren’t kitten around when it comes to celebrating. Every cat owner pretty much celebrates their cats every day, but this is a real holiday for us feline-fanatics! The day was first celebrated by the International Fund for Animal Welfare or IFAW, which is a Canadian-based and one of the world’s largest animal welfare organizations. On a broad scope, the day aims to raise awareness on how to properly care for your cats, and to promote feline adoption! For all you...
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